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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 11 Years Old, Lab Mix

Size: Large

Arrival Date: April 2024

Fossa is a sweet senior gentleman whose life took an unexpected turn when his owner lost their home. Now, this loving dog is searching for a family who can provide the comfort and stability he deserves.

At first, Fossa can be a bit anxious with new changes, but once he settles into a routine, he becomes the most loyal and loving companion you could imagine. There's something charmingly unique about Fossa – he has a special love for stuffed animals, often carrying them along during walks, holding them gently in his mouth like treasured friends. His endearing personality makes him a wonderful match for families with children.

Fossa would thrive in a home with a dedicated family willing to continue his training and help him build confidence. He is looking for a patient household that understands the unique needs of a senior dog. While he's working on his leash manners and managing some dog reactivity, Fossa is eager to learn and prove what a wonderful companion he can be.

A house with a consistent routine and loving environment would be the perfect match for this special boy. Fossa isn't just looking for a place to live – he's searching for a family to love, a soft bed to call his own, and the chance to spend his golden years surrounded by comfort and care.