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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 11 Years Old, Shih Tzu

Size: Small

Arrival Date: December 2024

about samuel

Samuel is a truly special pup whose gentle spirit shines brightly despite the challenges he faces. Blind and paralyzed in his back legs, Samuel was surrendered when his previous owner could no longer meet his care needs. Now, he is looking for a dedicated family willing to provide the consistent attention and compassionate support that he requires.

Samuel’s care includes some assistance with urination and defecation, but once things are in motion, he just needs a little help cleaning up. His environment should always be soft and padded to protect him from drag injuries and bed sores. Samuel also needs daily supplements to keep his stool firm and a special low-fat diet to manage his tendency to develop pancreatitis.

Despite his limitations, Samuel finds joy in the simple things. He loves rolling around in his stroller and snuggling into a warm lap, displaying incredible resilience and affection. His daily routine includes wearing diapers, receiving regular baths, and gentle handling to ensure his comfort and hygiene. Samuel is a sociable companion, getting along well with calm dogs and cats.

The right home for Samuel will understand that he needs a family who can be present often, offering the specialized care he needs while providing him with warmth, security, and unconditional love. For the compassionate heart willing to embrace his unique needs, Samuel promises to be a devoted, loving companion in return.