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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Female, 4 Years Old, Pekingese Mix

Size: Small

Arrival Date: October 2024

about hana

Meet Hana, an adorable girl with an inspiring spirit and a heart full of love. Originally from Egypt, Hana was recently surrendered to us due to her complex medical needs, but she continues to bring joy to everyone she meets.

Earlier this year, Hana began experiencing seizures. Despite being started on anti-seizure medication, her condition progressed, leading to severe cluster seizures. After being hospitalized, advanced imaging and a spinal tap were performed, revealing that she suffers from Meningoencephalitis of unknown etiology (MUE).

Hana is now on a specialized treatment plan, including two anti-seizure medications and a steroid. She will also receive Cytarabine, an injectable therapy aimed at managing her condition. Although Hana has lost her vision, she hasn't lost her zest for life. She loves nothing more than being held and cuddled! Hana does best with dogs that respect her space and are very gentle with her.

Hana is proof that love and determination can brighten even the darkest days, and she's ready to share her sweetness with a family that will cherish her.