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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Female, 10 Years Old, Springer Spaniel

Size: Medium

Arrival Date: December 2024

about yum

Meet Yum, a beautiful girl who has overcome a difficult past and is now ready to find her forever family. Rescued from an abusive situation, Yum has received a thorough exam from our vet, and while she arrived with a severe ear infection and urinary tract infection, both have been successfully treated and resolved. There were some mild elevations in her blood work, which we will recheck soon, but if those results have normalized, no further treatment will be necessary.

Yum is blind in both eyes due to cataracts, but that doesn’t slow her down! She gets around with ease and has a loving, gentle nature. She does need eye drops twice daily to manage dry eye, and this will be a lifelong part of her care. Yum also requires a dental procedure to remove a few teeth and address some tartar buildup. Regular grooming and ear cleanings are also essential to maintain her coat and prevent future ear infections.

Despite her needs, Yum is an incredibly sweet and affectionate dog who is ready to bring a whole lot of joy and wiggles to her new family. She is very smart and will follow your lead on walks. She prefers one on one meetings with dogs that have a calm demeanour like her. If you're looking for a loving companion with a big heart, Yum could be the perfect match.