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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Female, 13 Years Old, Mixed Breed

Size: Large

Arrival Date: March 2018

about bella

Bella is an intelligent and affectionate dog with a heart full of love! She’s a quick learner and knows just about every trick in the book. Bella is incredibly active, and could happily spend her days playing fetch and swimming.

Though she’s a sweet girl, Bella’s past of abuse and neglect has made it difficult for her to trust people and other dogs. She will need a patient and experienced owner who can provide her with the guidance she needs, especially when meeting new people. Slow introductions will be key, and Bella should not interact with other dogs. Thankfully, she’s learned many ways to manage her nerves around strangers, and with the right training, she’ll continue to grow in confidence.

Bella would thrive in an adult-only home with a fully fenced backyard, where she can feel safe, secure, and loved. If you’re looking for a loyal companion and have the time and experience to help her build trust, Bella will reward you with a deep bond and endless love.