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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 

Aviah & Jeremiah

 Aviah & Jeremiah

Female & Male, 3 Years Old, German Shepherd

Size: Large

Arrival Date: June 2023

about aviah and jeremiah

Aviah and Jeremiah are a sweet, bonded pair who share a special connection that is truly heartwarming. These two are inseparable and would love to find a home where they can stay together and continue to bring joy to their family.

Aviah is a lovely, healthy 3 year old spayed female German Shepherd with no medical concerns. She’s affectionate, and an excellent companion who loves being by your side. Her gentle and loving nature makes her a joy to be around.

Jeremiah, her partner in crime, is a sweet and brave 3 year old neutered male German Shepherd who is blind. He relies on Aviah for guidance, comfort, and security, and they are truly a team. Despite his blindness, Jeremiah doesn’t let it slow him down. He’s full of love and has a great spirit! However, he does require daily medication and a special diet to help manage his chronic diarrhea. With the continued care, he’s happy and healthy, and he thrives alongside Aviah.

These two are a dynamic duo, and their bond is one that’s truly special. They’re looking for a loving home where they can continue to rely on one another and share their love with a family who appreciates the depth of their connection.

If you’re looking for a pair of dogs who will give you unconditional love and joy, Aviah and Jeremiah might just be the perfect match for you!