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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 11 Years Old, Lab Mix

Size: Large

Arrival Date: August 2024

about boomer

Boomer is an easy-going and affectionate dog who is sure to steal your heart. He absolutely loves cuddling and spending time with people, especially our volunteers, who he adores. Boomer walks beautifully on a leash and enjoys taking leisurely strolls, making him the perfect companion for daily walks and outdoor adventures. Boomer has gone on several sleepovers with our volunteers and has proven to be the perfect gentle man! He has amazing manners in the home.

Boomer has a history of elevated liver enzymes, but this has since been resolved, and he continues to be monitored for his health. He doesn't require any medications other than a liver supplement and has no special dietary needs, so he’s a low-maintenance, happy guy who’s ready to join your family.

He also has a mild corneal opacity in his right eye, but it doesn’t affect his vision or his ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

If you’re looking for a loving, laid-back dog who enjoys cuddles, walks, and a little extra attention, Boomer could be the perfect match for you!