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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 15 Years Old, Shih Tzu

Size: Small

Arrival Date: February 2025

about bentley

Bentley is a sweet, gentle soul with a heart full of love. At 15 years young, he was surrendered due to medical needs, but despite his challenges, he remains a joyful and resilient companion. 

Bentley has a heart murmur, but after a visit to a cardiologist, he was diagnosed with degenerative valvular disease, which requires no treatment — a relief for Bentley and his future family!

In addition to his heart, Bentley’s eyes are in need of some care. He is blind in both eyes and struggles with dry eye and cherry eye, but he’s not letting that slow him down. He recently saw an ophthalmologist, and with the right medication, he’s living life to the fullest. Bentley is incredibly patient when it comes to his daily eye treatments, and his future family will need to be comfortable administering them.

Bentley is on the lookout for a warm, loving home where he can enjoy slow, peaceful walks and snuggle up in a cozy bed. If you're ready to offer Bentley the care and love he deserves, he’s ready to bring endless affection into your life.

Bentley’s care is being supported by Dog Tales Charitable Foundation