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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 10 Years Old, Labrador Retriever Mix

Size: Large

Arrival Date: November 2024

about sterling

Sterling is living proof that age is just a number! This senior sweetheart spent much of his life as an outdoor dog in a confined space, but his spirit remained unbroken. When he arrived at our shelter, his tail was injured from constantly hitting the sides of his small enclosure. Today, that same tail wags pain-free and constantly—a perfect reflection of his resilient, happy nature!

Everyone who meets Sterling is shocked to learn he's a senior boy. With his youthful energy and bright eyes, he defies all expectations of what an older dog should be. Sterling approaches life with unbridled enthusiasm and greets every single person with his signature smile and tail wag.

Sterling is great with children who can match his energetic personality. Since he had limited exposure to other dogs throughout his life, he's a bit cautious around them. While he might do well in a home with another canine companion, we'd want to arrange a few meet-and-greets first to ensure they'll be best friends.

This joyful boy is now discovering the comforts of indoor living—and he's especially fond of couches! Sterling is seeking a patient adopter who can guide him as he learns the ins and outs of home life. In return, he promises endless affection, loyalty, and that infectious happiness that makes everyone around him smile.