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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 14 Years Old, Shepherd Mix

Size: Large

Arrival Date: July 2019

about marmaduke

Marmaduke came to us from an overcrowded shelter that was shutting down and he had no where to go. His history is a mystery but we can only imagine the tough life he must have lived.

When we first rescued him, he was a hard case - he would protect his food, toys and belongings. Through many positive interactions, training, and with time, we have seen a huge improvement with this. He is a sweet and affectionate dog who is loyal. Marmaduke enjoys going for long walks, basking in the sun and doing tricks for treats. Although he mostly likes his space, at times Marmaduke will look at you with his soulful brown eyes and lean in for a head scratch.

Marmaduke will need an adult only home with no other pets. Due to his history of resource guarding, he will need a family who is experienced and able to continue his training. Management of his environment is key to success. We are looking for someone that will visit Marmaduke often to make his transition to a home as smooth as possible.