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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 5 Years Old, Mixed Breed

Size: Medium

Arrival Date: February 2025 

about rainbow

Rainbow is a gentle soul with a heart full of love waiting to be shared. This special boy came to us from an overcrowded home with 19 other dogs where he had little exposure to the outside world, leaving him cautious of new experiences.

Despite his challenging background, Rainbow has made remarkable progress! He now eagerly jumps up for pets, kisses, and affection - a testament to his resilient spirit and desire for connection. When he feels safe, his true loving personality shines through.

Rainbow would thrive with a patient adopter who understands that new situations will require extra time and compassion. While initially nervous around other dogs, he enjoys the company of calm, friendly canine companions once properly introduced.

The ideal home for Rainbow would include someone who is present most of the time, as he experiences anxiety when left alone for extended periods. For safety, Rainbow requires secure handling with a double-leash system and GPS on his collar, as he can be a flight risk when startled.

With the right understanding family, Rainbow will continue to blossom into the confident, loving companion he's meant to be. His journey of transformation is already well underway - could you be the one to help him complete it?