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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 13 Years Old, Cocker Spaniel Mix

Size: Small

Arrival Date: December 2024

about max

Max is a spirited senior with the energy of a much younger pup! Don’t let his age fool you—this lively gentleman enjoys adventurous walks, car rides with the windows down, and, most of all, spending quality time with his human companions.

Max came to us when his elderly owner was no longer able to provide the care he needs. Despite the change in his life, his joyful personality continues to shine through. While he can be a little cautious around new dogs, Max does well with slow, thoughtful introductions. His occasional barking is simply his way of expressing nerves in unfamiliar situations.

At heart, Max is a loving cuddle-bug who forms deep bonds with his people. He does have some special needs, such as frequent ear cleanings and twice-weekly medications, which can be a bit uncomfortable for him. These treatments currently require extra patience, occasional sedation, and a muzzle, but Max is making great strides as he learns to trust. He has also been seen by a cardiologist for a heart murmur, and while he has been diagnosed with mild mitral and tricuspid regurgitation, neither condition requires any treatment or medication at this time.

Max is looking for a patient adopter who can offer the consistent care and understanding he needs to enjoy his golden years. In return, he’ll offer unconditional love, companionship, and that signature spunky spirit that makes him so special!