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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 9 Years Old, Belgian Malinois Mix

Size: Large

Arrival Date: December 2024

about grey

Meet Grey, a lovely guy who has dedicated much of his life to working. After being diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy, Grey has retired from his previous role and is now seeking a peaceful retirement home where he can enjoy his golden years in comfort and relaxation.

Grey’s epilepsy is well-managed with daily medication, and he also takes medication for arthritis and a compressed disk in his spine. Both treatments are easy to administer and have been effective in keeping him comfortable. To ensure his epilepsy medication remains at the appropriate level, Grey will need regular blood work as part of his ongoing care.

Grey is a loving and gentle soul, ready to settle into a home where he can enjoy the quieter pace of life he deserves. If you’re looking for a loyal companion to share your home and heart, Grey could be the perfect fit.