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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 4 Years Old, Mix

Size: Large

Arrival Date: November 2023

about jackie

Jackie’s journey has been a truly remarkable one. When he first came to us, he was very feral and understandably uncertain of the world around him. Since then, Jackie has made incredible progress and has grown into a confident, happy dog. He’s now excited to meet new people and has blossomed into a social butterfly, eager to form connections and share his warmth with everyone he meets.

While Jackie has made great strides in his socialization, he can still be reactive around other dogs, so he would do best as the only pet in the household or with careful introductions to compatible companions. With his newfound confidence, Jackie is ready to find a family who can continue to guide him through this next chapter in his life.

If you’re looking for a dog who has overcome challenges and is ready to offer love and companionship, Jackie is the perfect fit. He’ll need a patient and understanding family who can help him continue to grow and thrive in a secure and loving environment.