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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Male, 4 Years Old, St Bernard Mix

Size: Giant

Arrival Date: December 2024

about kaiser

Kaiser is as strong as he looks and has a heart full of love! This fluffy bundle of joy absolutely adores belly rubs and is eager to share his affection. He’s on the lookout for an active family who can help him continue his training. Kaiser is currently working on learning not to be mouthy and to keep his feet on the ground when he gets excited. With his boundless energy, he needs someone who can keep up and provide plenty of physical and mental stimulation.

Kaiser would thrive in a home without small children, as his playful, high-energy nature may be a bit too much for little ones. Although he’s been friendly with other dogs, he’s still being evaluated, so cautious introductions are a must—his large size can sometimes intimidate other pups.

Kaiser also came to us with bilateral entropion, a condition affecting his eyes, and he’s had surgey surgery to correct this. He is still early in the healing process but only requires eye lube in both eyes three times daily.

If you're looking for a strong, playful companion who loves attention and is ready to continue his journey of learning, Kaiser just might be the perfect match!