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1405 19th Sideroad
King, ON

Dog Tales is a dog rescue and horse sanctuary like no other in the world! 



Female, 13 Years Old, Lab Mix

Size: Large

Arrival Date: January 2025

about minnie

Minnie is a remarkable second-chance senior with an inspiring story of resilience. Just hours away from euthanasia, we stepped in to give this special girl the opportunity she deserves. Her previous owners kept her confined to a basement due to accidents, anxiety, and shedding, claiming she wasn't affectionate or a good companion.

How wrong they were! The Minnie we've discovered is a vibrant soul with an incredible zest for life. She thrives outdoors, soaking up sunshine and new experiences. Minnie has blossomed into a loving friend who rolls over for belly rubs and gently nuzzles for pets - a beautiful transformation for a dog once described as distant.

Minnie communicates her feelings through her expressive vocalizations - whether she's happy, excited, or a bit nervous, she'll let you know with her charming barks! These "conversations" are part of her endearing personality.

We recently received devastating news about Minnie’s health. Our vet discovered a large abdominal mass and spots on her lungs which means she may have cancer. We're searching for a compassionate soul who can give Minnie a loving home while we wait for her results and possibly palliative care. Her ideal forever home would be a calm environment with only gentle dogs and teen or older, few or no stairs to navigate, someone who can be home often to provide company and care, and a location within one hour of Dog Tales.